RSQ-23-12-149 | Food and venue for the conduct of the Division Executive Conference on December 16, 2023 | 47,400.00 | Small Value Procurement | December 15, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-12-148 | Catering services for the conduct of the Division Youth Leadership Training on December 18, 2023 | 33,500.00 | Small Value Procurement | December 15, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-12-147 | Catering services for the conduct of the Division DRRM and CAM Capability Building and Training for Skills Enhancement and Contingency Planning for Division Task Force & Members on December 21-22, 2023 | 37,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | December 15, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-12-145 | Procurement of Purified Drinking Water for the Division Office from January to December 2024 | 48,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | December 15, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-12-144 | Procurement of Fuel for the Division Office Vehicles from January to December 2024 | 240,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | December 15, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-12-142 | Catering services for the conduct of the 2023 Division Year-end Performance Evaluation and FY 2024 Performance Planning & Commitment of Division Office Personnel on December 26-27, 2023 | 40,500.00 | Small Value Procurement | December 15, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-12-143 | Hiring of two security guards for the Security and Safety of the Division Office for the months of January to December 2024 | 312,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | December 15, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-12-140 | Procurement of Printers for Schools | 769,500.00 | Small Value Procurement | December 11, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-136 | Purchase of IP Telephone for Division Office | 26,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | December 04, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-132 | Catering services for the conduct of the Enhancement Training Program for ALS Teachers on December 8-10, 2023 | 21,750.00 | Small Value Procurement | December 01, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-131 | Catering services for the conduct of the Capability Building for School Heads and Division Personnel Comprehensive Sexuality Education Program on December 4-8, 2023 | 80,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 28, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-130 | Catering services for the 126 participants of the Strategic Reformation of GAD & CPP Concepts and Issues: A way towards Transformative Perspectives on December 1, 2023 | 31,500.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 28, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-129 | Food & venue and lodging accommocation for the conduct of Series of Training-Workshop on Higher-Order Thinking Skills Professional Learning Packages (HOTS-PLPs) on December 4-7, 2023 (Batch 1) & December 11-14, 2023 (Batch 2) | 832,650.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 28, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-127 | Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the conduct of Series of Training-Workshop on Higher-Order Thinking Skills Professional Leaning Packages (HOTS-PLPs) | 44,000.00 | Shopping | November 28, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-126 | Procurement of Additional Furniture and Curtains for SDS Office | 31,740.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 29, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-125 | Catering services for the 56 participants of the Services Enhancement Training & Performance Target Realignment for Non-Teaching Personnel – Level 2 on November 28-29, 2023 | 28,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 24, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-124 | Printing of Tarpaulin for the conduct of Stakeholders’ Summit 2023 | 5,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 22, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-122 | Catering services for the conduct of the Stakeholders’ Summit 2023 on December 4-5, 2023 | 90,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 22, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-121 | Rental of Superb Sound System and LED Wall for the conduct of the DepEd-Bais Banwag 2023: A Celebration of Success on December 7, 2023 | 35,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 22, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-120 | Catering services including venue set-up and physical arrangement for the conduct of the DepEd-Bais Banwag 2023: A Celebration of Success on December 7, 2023 with preparatory activities on December 6, 2023 | 180,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 22, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-119 | Procurement of Printed Plaques for the DepEd-Bais Banwag 2023: A Celebration of Success | 244,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 22, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-118 | Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the DepEd-Bais Banwag 2023: A Celebration of Success | 3,775.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 22, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-117 | Procurement of various furnitures for SDS Office, ASDS Office and Admin Office | 77,850.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 16, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-116 | Procurement of Supplies and Materials Relative to the Rapid Mathematics Assessment (RMA) for Grades 1 to 3 for the School Year 2023-2024 | 797,900.00 | Shopping | November 16, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-114 | Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the ALS | 25,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 16, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-11-113 | Procurement of ICT Equipment for SDS Office | 45,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 16, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-10-104 | Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the conduct of Reorientation of School Heads on the Updates of Adopt-a-School Program 2023 | 7,955.00 | Shopping | November 03, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-10-108 | Catering services for the 64 participants of the Reorientation of School Heads on the Updates of Adopt-A-School Program 2023 on November 15, 2023 | 16,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 03, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-10-107 | Catering services for the 43 participants of the Capability Building of Lead Program Implementers on DEDP Implementation and AIP Formulation on November 8, 2023 | 10,750.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 03, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-10-106 | Procurement of various ICT Equipment for Digitization and Production of Interactive Teaching and Learning Resources of DepEd Bais City Division | 699,999.00 | Small Value Procurement | November 03, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-10-104 | Procurement of Vitamins for Women, Senior Citizens, and PWDs of the Division Office | 18,150.00 | Small Value Procurement | October 31, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-10-105 | Procurement of Additional Science Equipment for Schools | 11,393.00 | Small Value Procurement | October 31, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-10-103 | Catering services for the 69 participants of the Training-Workshop on MS Excel Manipulation & Performance Target Realignment for Non-Teaching Personnel on October 26-27, 2023 | 34,500.00 | Small Value Procurement | October 23, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-10-102 | Procurement of Mobile Load Card for the Soc. Mob. Focal Person of the Division Office | 5,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | October 23, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-10-101 | Printing of advocacy tarpaulin for the Alternative Learning System (ALS) of DepEd Bais City Division | 8,400.00 | Small Value Procurement | October 11, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-10-100 | Procurement of Bond Papers for ALS | 17,147.60 | Shopping | October 11, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-099 | Procurement of Various Nail Care Products for the TVL Beauty/Nail Care of BCNHS-SHS | 103,005.00 | Small Value Procurement | October 05, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-098 | Procurement of Various Equipment for TVL Beauty and Nail Care at BCNHS-SHS | 131,995.00 | Small Value Procurement | October 05, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-095 | Catering services for the 1200 participants of the 2023 National Teachers’ Month and National Teacher’s Day/World Teachers’ Day Celebration on October 6, 2023 | 420,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | October 02, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-097 | Procurement of Supplies for the 2023 National Teachers’ Month and National Teachers’ Day/World Teachers’ Day Celebration | 16,200.00 | Small Value Procurement | October 02, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-096 | Rental of Superb Sound System for the 2023 National Teachers’ Month and National Teacher’s Day/World Teachers’ Day Celebration on October 6, 2023 | 10,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | October 02, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-094 | Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the conduct of Strengthening Learning Literacy Conditions for Early Literacy Instructions | 8,980.00 | Shopping | October 02, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-093 | Catering services for the 233 participants of the Strengthening Learning Literacy Conditions for Early Literacy Instructions on November 9-12, 2023 | 233,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | October 02, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-092 | Catering services for the 94 participants of the Division Wide Onsite Monitoring and Validation of Curriculum Implementation and Delivery Across all Areas and Grade Levels on September 27, 2023 | 23,500.00 | Small Value Procurement | September 20, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
BCD-2023-080 | Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Training And Maintenance Of Network Attached Storage, Uninterruptible Power Supply, Rack Mount Server, Network Re-Structured Cabling And Interactive Touch Based Client Satisfaction Kiosk Of Deped Bais City Division | 1,500,000.00 | Public Bidding | October 09, 2023 | ITB BIDDING DOCS |
BCD-2023-079 | Procurement of Commercial Powdered Milk for the School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) 2023 | 551,684.00 | Public Bidding | October 09, 2023 | ITB BIDDING DOCS |
RSQ-23-09-091 | Catering services for the conduct of the 2023 Division Midyear Review & Recalibration of Performance Targets & Catch-up Planning on September 25-26, 2023 | 22,250.00 | Small Value Procurement | September 19, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-090 | Procurement of Various Office Supplies for the conduct of the Orientation Workshop on School-Based Feeding Program and Other Health-Related Programs for SY 2023-2024 | 4,807.00 | Small Value Procurement | September 19, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-089 | Procurement of Various Materials for the conduct of the Orientation Workshop on School-Based Feeding Program and Other Health-Related Programs for SY 2023-2024 | 12,115.00 | Small Value Procurement | September 19, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-087 | Printing of Tarpaulin for the Orientation Workshop on School-Based Feeding Program and Other Health-Related Programs for SY 2023-2024 on September 26, 2023 | 640.00 | Small Value Procurement | September 19, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-088 | Catering services for the 49 participants of the Orientation Workshop on School-Based Feeding Program and Other Health-Related Programs for SY 2023-2024 on September 26, 2023 | 12,250.00 | Small Value Procurement | September 19, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-09-086 | Catering services for the 67 participants of the Division Orientation on Project Dula and the Underpinning of Literacy on September 21-23, 2023 | 50,250.00 | Small Value Procurement | September 15, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-08-085 | Printing of Advocacy Tarpaulin for the conduct of Division ADM Implementation Review and Workshop in the Development of ADM School Plan | 19,440.00 | Small Value Procurement | September 04, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-08-084 | Maintenance check-up and cleaning of air-conditioning units of Division Office for the 3rd quarter | 8,700.00 | Small Value Procurement | August 29, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-08-080 | Catering services for the 33 participants of Post-Evaluation Conference on Brigada Eskwela 2023 on August 29, 2023 | 8,250.00 | Small Value Procurement | August 22, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-08-079 | Catering services for the 126 participants of the Division Orientation on the Manual of Instructional Supervision (MIS) for Full Implementation on September 1-2, 2023 | 63,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | August 23, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-08-078 | Procurement of Customized Advocacy Polo Shirts for the conduct of Division ADM Implementation Review and Workshop in the Development of ADM School Plan | 12,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | August 15, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-08-076 | Catering services for the 128 participants of the Division ADM Implementation Review and Workshop in the Development of ADM School Plan on August 25, 2023 | 32,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | August 15, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-08-073 | Procurement of Customized Advocacy Polo Shirts for the Brigada Eskwela 2023 | 46,750.00 | Small Value Procurement | August 07, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-08-071 | Catering services for the conduct of Brigada Eskwela Division Launching, Partnership Appreciation Program and Stakeholders’ Convergence 2023 on August 14, 2023 | 61,500.00 | Small Value Procurement | August 07, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-07-070 | Food and room accommodation for the 44 participants for the conduct of Series of Activities for Division Training of Trainers on Strengthening Learning Literacy Conditions for Early Literacy Instructions-Finalization of Learning Resource Package & Facilitation Skills Enhancement Training on August 8-10, 2023 | 202,400.00 | Small Value Procurement | August 01, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-07-056 | Procurement of Smart LED TV for TVL Beauty and Nail Care at BCNHS-SHS | 20,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | July 31, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-07-062 | Procurement of Mobile Load Cards for Division Office Personnel for the period July-December 2023 | 106,500.00 | Small Value Procurement | July 20, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-07-059 | Procurement of Plastic Tables and Monobloc Chairs for BCHNS-SHS | 40,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | July 14, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
BCD-2023-049 | Procurement of Nutritious Food Products for the School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) 2023 | 3,749,760.00 | Public Bidding | July 26, 2023 | ITB BIDDING DOCS SUPPLEMENTAL BID |
RSQ-23-06-054 | Procurement of office and school supplies for Sto. Tomas NHS | 63,673.00 | Shopping | June 27, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-06-050 | Catering services for the 37 participants for the conduct of Series of Activities for Division Training of Trainers on Strengthening Learning Literacy Conditions for Early Literacy Instructions-Quality Assurance of Learning Resource on June 27-29, 2023 | 27,750.00 | Small Value Procurement | June 20, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-06-048 | Catering services for the 103 participants of the Division Executive Conference on June 19 2023 | 25,750.00 | Small Value Procurement | June 13, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-05-046 | Procurement of Supplies and Materials for the conduct of Division and Regional Festival of Talents 2023 | 20,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | June 05, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-05-044 | Procurement of Supplies for Reproduction of ALS Forms and Learning Materials 2023 | 56,499.92 | Small Value Procurement | June 02, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-05-042 | Procurement of Science and Math Equipment for the Replacement of Damaged Tools and Equipment in Schools 2023 | 55,028.40 | Small Value Procurement | June 02, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-05-041 | Catering services for the 37 participants of the UPSKILLING ON THE PROVISION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE & FORMULATION OF DIVISION MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN on May 29 and June 26, 2023 | 18,500.00 | Small Value Procurement | May 23, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-05-040 | Catering services for the 12 participants of the PRESENTATION OF PORTFOLIO FOR ALS ASSESSMENT FOR SY 2022-2023 on May 30-June 2, 2023 | 12,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | May 23, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-05-039 | Procurement of Additional Science and Math Equipment for Schools | 24,840.00 | Small Value Procurement | May 26, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-04-037 | Procurement of Aircon for Budget Office | 40,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | April 12, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-04-036 | Procurement of Sala Set for Client-Friendly receiving area at the Division Office Lobby | 30,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | April 12, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-035 | Procurement of Sports Supplies for DepEd School Sports Program | 40,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | April 04, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-030 | Labor and Materials for the Repair, Rehabilitation, and Upgrading of Electrical System in the Division Office Building | 362,928.30 | Small Value Procurement | March 27, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-029 | Procurement of School Supplies for ALS Learners | 111,001.00 | Small Value Procurement | March 27, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-028 | Procurement of Various supplies for the instructional and demonstration purposes of TLE subjects and SBFP of Cabugan ES | 17,311.00 | Small Value Procurement | March 27, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-027 | Procurement of Various supplies for the instructional and demonstration purposes of TLE subjects and SBFP of Cambanjao ES | 25,892.00 | Small Value Procurement | March 27, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-026 | Procurement of various supplies and other equipment for the instructional and demonstration purposes for TLE subjects and SBFP of DEMHS | 46,392.00 | Small Value Procurement | March 27, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-025 | Procurement of Paints, Storage Box, & Other Materials for improvement of physical facilities of Katacgahan ES | 27,680.00 | Small Value Procurement | March 27, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-022 | Procurement of Smartphone for LR Office | 26,750.00 | Small Value Procurement | March 20, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-021 | Procurement of Paints and other materials for repainting of DEMHS classrooms | 35,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | March 20, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-020 | Catering services for the conduct of Division Validation of Athletes’ Credentials in Preparation for CVIRAA 2023 on March 18-19, 2023 | 50,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | March 14, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-019 | Procurement of Cleaning Supplies for Division Office | 49,900.00 | Small Value Procurement | March 14, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-018 | Procurement of Supplies for the conduct of National Women’s Month Celebration 2023 | 10,410.00 | Small Value Procurement | March 06, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-03-017 | Catering services for the conduct of the NATIONAL WOMEN’S MONTH CELEBRATION 2023 on March 13, 2023 | 19,500.00 | Small Value Procurement | March 06, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-02-015 | Procurement of Mobile Load Cards for Division Office Personnel | 76,800.00 | Small Value Procurement | February 20, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-02-016 | Procurement of Power Machine Sprayer for Maintenance of Division Office PPEs | 10,490.00 | Small Value Procurement | February 20, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-01-014 | Procurement of ICT Infrastructure Cabinet for ICT Office | 60,000.00 | Small Value Procurement | February 06, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-01-013 | Procurement of Office Furnitures and Other Equipment for Sto. Tomas NHS for Bread & Pasrty of Dansulan Ext. | 133,400.00 | Small Value Procurement | February 06, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-01-012 | Procurement of Various Supplies for Sto. Tomas NHS | 82,140.00 | Small Value Procurement | February 06, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-01-011 | Baking Tools for Sto.Tomas NHS | 12,460.00 | Small Value Procurement | February 06, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-01-007 | Catering services for the conduct of Midyear In-Service Training for Teachers for SY 2022-2023 on February 6-10, 2023 | 61,250.00 | Small Value Procurement | January 31, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-01-005 | Maintenance check-up and cleaning of air-conditioning units of Division Office | 10,100.00 | Small Value Procurement | January 23, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-01-004 | Procurement of Training Supplies & Materials for Learning Development Programs & Activities for 2023 | 29,441.00 | Small Value Procurement | January 23, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-01-002 | Catering services for the conduct of Reorientation on DO No. 49, s. 2006, Revised Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (RACCS), and other DepEd/CSC Issuances on January 20, 2023 | 27,600.00 | Small Value Procurement | January 17, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |
RSQ-23-01-001 | Catering services for the 173 participants of Bais City Division Supplier’s Convergence 2023 on January 13, 2023 | 12,975.00 | Small Value Procurement | January 10, 2023 | REQUEST FOR SEALED QUOTATION |