Bid Opportunities 2022

RSQ-22-12-291Procurement of laptop of Division Office Operations280,000.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 20, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-290Hiring of Two (2) Security Guards for Division Office from January to December 2023312,000.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 20, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-289Procurement of Fuel and Lubricants for Division Office Vehicle for 2023240,000.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 20, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-288Procurement of Purified Drinking Supply for Division Office for 202384,000.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 20, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-287Catering services for the conduct of Training Workshop on Affirming Gender Roles and Equality on December 22-23, 202239,500.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-286Procurement of Various Equipment and Baking Tools for Sto. Tomas National High School228,000.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-285Procurement of Furniture and Office Supplies for Mansangaban National High School39,200.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-284Procurement of Office Supplies for Sto. Tomas Elementary School214,115.89ShoppingDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-283Procurement of Office Supplies for Sto. Tomas NHS-Dansulan Ext.88,000.00ShoppingDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-282Procurement of Office Supplies for Tabuac Elementary School61,449.81ShoppingDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-281Procurement of Office Supplies for Cambanjao Elementary School94,000.00ShoppingDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-280Procurement of Office Supplies for Katacgahan Elementary School98,000.00ShoppingDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-279Procurement of Office Supplies for Cabugan National High School85,000.00ShoppingDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-278Procurement of Office Supplies for Dodong Escano Memorial High School180,724.00ShoppingDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-277Procurement of Bond Paper for Schools40,920.00ShoppingDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-276Procurement of Office Supplies for Teaching & Non-Teaching Personnel252,855.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-275Procurement of ICT Infrastructure Cabinet for Division ICT Office60,000.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-274Procurement of ID Printing Supplies to support the production of Division ID’s72,400.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-273Procurement of ICT & Multi Media Supplies for the Support of Various DepEd Programs165,450.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-272Procurement of Printing and Binding Supplies and Materials for the production of SLMs, Text-based teaching and Learning Materials549,120.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-271Procurement of Office & School Supplies for ALS111,017.00ShoppingDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-270Procurement of Additional Supplies for Learning Resource Office33,659.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-268Food and accommodation for the conduct of Health Programs Enhancement in the Division Education Development Plan on December 20-21, 202260,500.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 16, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-267Procurement of Multi-media equipment for BCPS SCA and BCNHS SPA in relation to Project Ba-Ba-On of YFD59,600.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 16, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-261Procurement of Mobile Load Card for Teachers66,300.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 16, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-265Catering Services for the conduct of One Health Week of Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd (OK sa DepEd) for SY 2022-2023 and Consultative Conference of School Based Feeding Program on December 19, 202235,000.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 13, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-263Procurement of Additional Commercial Powdered Milk and NFP-Calamansi Juice for SBFP 2022585,898.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 12, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-262Catering Services for the SCHOOL PARTICIPATION TO DEPED-BAIS BANWAG 2022: A Celebration of Success on December 17, 2022350,350.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 12, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-260Rental of Superb Sound System and LED Wall Projector for the conduct of the DEPED-BAIS BANWAG 2022: A Celebration of Success on December17, 2022
35,000.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 07, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-259Physical Arrangement and venue set-up for the conduct of the DEPED-BAIS BANWAG 2022: A Celebration of Success on December17, 202210,000.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 07, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-258Catering services for the conduct of the DEPED-BAIS BANWAG 2022: A Celebration of Success on December17, 2022 and Planning Conference on December 16, 202290,000.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 07, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-12-257Procurement of Supplies for DepEd-Bais Banwag 2022173,955.00Small Value ProcurementDecember 07, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-256Procurement of additional ink supplies for ALS25,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 29, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-255Catering services for the conduct of the Division Capability Building on Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) on December 10-11, 202262,500.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 29, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-253Procurement of ICT Supplies for Division Office12,500.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 29, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-248Procurement of additional Science and Math Equipment for Schools64,200.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 25, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-247Procurement of additional commercial powdered milk for SBFP 2021152,494.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 25, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-245Procurement of Materials for exhibits for the 2022 Education Week Celebration52,695.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 23, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-244Food and Accommodation for the conduct of the Division Year-end Performance Evaluation for CY 2022 and Performance Planning & Target Setting for CY 2023 on December 1-3, 2022359,450.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-243Catering services for the conduct of Joint DepEd Region 7 & Division Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting for CY 2022 on November 28, 202224,050.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 18, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-242Procurement of Supplies for printing of ALS Learner’s ID Cards10,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 18, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-241Procurement of USB flash drive for Storage of Learning Materials80,100.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 18, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-236ACatering services for the conduct of the 7th Face-to-Face DepEd Region 7 Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting for CY 2022 on November 28-29, 2022325,500.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 18, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-236Catering services for the conduct of the Division/Regional Pre-Planning Conference for the 7th Face-to-Face DepEd Region 7 ManCom Meeting on November 25-27, 202260,500.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 18, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-240Physical Arrangement and Set- Up at the venue of the 7th Face-to-Face DepEd Region 7 Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting for CY 2022 on November 28-29, 202210,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 16, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-239Rental of Sound System and LED Wall Projector for the conduct of the 7th Face-to-Face DepEd Region 7 Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting for CY 2022 on November 28-29, 202235,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 16, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-238Embroidery Printing of Advocacy T-Shirts for the conduct of the 7th Face-to-Face DepEd Region 7 Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting for CY 2022 on November 28-29, 202248,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 16, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-237Board and Lodging (hotel accommodation) for the 120 participants of the 7th Face-to-Face DepEd Region 7 Management Committee (ManCom) Meeting for CY 2022 on November 28, 202296,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 16, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-235Procurement of Sports Supplies, Materials and Equipment for Division Office550,470.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 15, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-234Procurement of Laptops for Schools160,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 14, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-233Procurement of Plastic chairs for Schools115,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 14, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-232Catering services for the conduct of project “Microsoft Reading Progress In-depth Training of Selected Division Personnel & School Reading Focal Persons cum Workshop on November 14-17, 202245,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 11, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-231Procurement of Furnitures for Schools Medical Clinic358,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 11, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-229Procurement of supplies in support of activities related to the development of learning resources79,808.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 11, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-224Catering services for the conduct of Partnership & Linkages Year-end Program Evaluation on December 9, 202253,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 08, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-223Catering services for the conduct of Brigada Pagbasa Advocacy and Orientation to School Heads and Community Facilitators on November 17-18, 202253,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 08, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-222Catering services for the conduct of Stakeholders Partnership Conference on November 15, 202219,750.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 08, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-11-221Procurement of Dental Supplies and Equipment19,595.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 07, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
53,250.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 07, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-219Catering services for the conduct of Non-Teaching Personnel Induction Program (NTPIP) on November 14-16, 202213,500.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-215Procurement of Inkjet Printer and Ink for Dansulan Elementary School36,190.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-214Procurement of Jalousie for classroom windows at Dansulan Elementary School47,400.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-212Procurement of Electrical Supplies for Dansulan Elementary School18,600.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-209Food and Accommodation for the conduct of DIVISION WORKSHOP ON OPERATIONS MANUAL on November 21-23, 202291,000.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-218Catering services for the conduct of Reorientation on ESP Content and Pedagogies, Homeroom Guidance Program (HGP) and Career Guidance Program (CGP) on November 11, 202215,750.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 02, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-217Catering services for the conduct of Division Workshop on Operation Processes on November 7-9, 202225,500.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 02, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-216Catering services for the conduct of Division Orientation on Enhanced Induction Program for Beginning Teachers (E-IPBT) to Newly Hired Teachers in CY 2022 & Overview of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) on November 11, 202213,750.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 02, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-213Procurement of Materials for the repair of classroom ceiling at Dansulan Elementary School36,622.41Small Value ProcurementNovember 02, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-211Procurement of Cleaning and DRRM Tools for Dansulan Elementary School17,200.00Small Value ProcurementNovember 02, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-206Procurement of various Office Equipment to strengthen learning support systems412,500.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 28, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-205Procurement of various Office Equipment for printing of learning materials and high speed scanning.533,000.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 28, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-204Catering services for the conduct of ORIENTATION-WORKSHOP ON TEACHING STRATEGIES, CONTENT AND PEDAGOGY on November 11, 18 & December 2, 202236,750.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 28, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-203Procurement of Television to improve quality basic education105,000.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 24, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-200Catering services for the conduct of DIVISION ORIENTATION ON THE MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONAL SUPERVISION on October 28, 2022 & November 4, 202229,000.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-199Catering services for the conduct of DIVISION TRAINING ON FOUNDATIONAL COURSE ON ADOLESCENT REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE FOR PRIMARY SERVICE PROVIDER on October 28 & November 4, 202227,000.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-198Food & Accommodation for the conduct of UPSKILLING FOR NON-TEACHING PERSONNEL ON FINANCIAL-RELATED MATTERS & OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT FUNCTIONS on October 27-28, 2022115,500.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-197Catering Services for the conduct of the School Heads Induction Program (SHIP) on October 24-26, 202215,000.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-194Procurement of Materials and Equipment for lesson delivery and reproduction of learning materials for ALS65,000.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-193Procurement of Supplies for reproduction of Learning Materials and health essentials for ALS JHS108,795.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-192Procurement of Laptop for Office use80,000.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-190Procurement of materials for the proper garbage disposal of Division Office33,730.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 14, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-191Food and accommodation for the conduct of UPSKILLING OF DIVISION SUPERVISORS AND SPECIALISTS ON THE USE OF ICT RESOURCES on October 21-22, 2022104,500.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 14, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-189Catering services for the conduct of REORIENTATION OF SSG/SPG PRESIDENTS AND ADVISERS AND ELECTION OFFEDERATED SSG/SPG OFFICERS FOR SY 2022-2023 on October 14, 202211,850.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 11, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-186Procurement of Materials for the Reproduction of Learning Materials for ALS21,914.40Small Value ProcurementOctober 11, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-185Procurement of Materials & Equipment for Lesson Delivery and Storage of Learning Materials108,600.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 11, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-184Procurement of Plastic Chairs for office use23,100.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 11, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-182Procurement of Bond Paper and Sign Pen for office use155,000.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 11, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-188Food and Venue for the conduct of the WORK & FINANCIAL PLANNING CUM WORKSHOP FOR DIVISION OFFICE AND SCHOOLS FOR FY 2023 on October 19-20, 2022 (batch 2)84,000.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 10, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-10-187Catering services for the conduct of the WORK & FINANCIAL PLANNING CUM WORKSHOP FOR DIVISION OFFICE AND SCHOOLS FOR FY 2023 on October 14-15, 2022 for Batch 121,000.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 10, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-181Catering services for the conduct of the Development and Review of Q1 and Q2 Lesson Plans and its Accompanying Instructional Materials (10 DAYS @ 40 PAX PER DAY)

100,000.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 04, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-180Procurement of Bond Paper for printing of learning materials283,800.00Small Value ProcurementOctober 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
BCD-2022-111Commercial Powedered Milk for the School Based Feeding Program 20211,143,705.00Public BIDDINGSeptember 28, 2022ITB
RSQ-22-09-178Physical Arrangement in the Venue and Stage Decorations for the conduct of the 2022 National Teachers’ Month and National Teachers’ Day / World Teachers’ Day Celebration on October 1, 202215,000.00Small Value ProcurementSeptember 26, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-177“Rental of Superb Sound System with at least 5 available
microphones for the conduct of the 2022 National Teachers’ Month and National Teachers’ Day / World Teachers’ Day Celebration on October 1, 2022 ”
25,000.00Small Value ProcurementSeptember 26, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-176Catering services for the conduct of the 2022 National Teachers’ Month and National Teachers’ Day / World Teachers’ Day Celebration on October 1, 2022271,000.00Small Value ProcurementSeptember 26, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-175Food, Venue, and Lodging for the Pre-planning Conference for the conduct of the 2022 National Teachers’ Month and National Teachers’ Day / World Teachers’ Day Celebration on September 30, 202227,000.00Small Value ProcurementSeptember 26, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-173Procurement of External Hard Disk Drive for Learning Resource Management Office16,000.00Small Value ProcurementSeptember 26, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-171Procurement of Cleaning Supplies for Division Office11,647.50Small Value ProcurementSeptember 26, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-170Procurement of Laptop for Office Use160,000.00Small Value ProcurementSeptember 26, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-169Procurement of Mobile Load Cards for Teachers who have not received NEAP sim cards171,880.40Small Value ProcurementSeptember 23, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-168Procurement of Various Medicines, Supplies and Devices for Medical/Dental Services276,390.00Small Value ProcurementSeptember 23, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-167Procurement of Medical/Dental Supplies, Furniture and Equipment48,205.00Small Value ProcurementSeptember 23, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-165Science and Math Equipment for Schools182,700.00Small Value ProcurementSeptember 16, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-09-163Mobile Load Cards for Division Office Personnel28,000.00Small Value ProcurementSeptember 13, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-08-160Catering services for the conduct of DIVISION PLANNING FOR SY 2022-2023 & MIDYEAR PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR
DIVISION OFFICE PERSONNEL FOR CY 2022 on September 13-15, 2022 & September 20-22, 2022
67,200.00Small Value ProcurementSeptember 06, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-08-159Rental of Lights and Sounds for the conduct of Bagon: A Cultural, Youth Leadership, and Values Formation Program on September 5, 202235,000.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 30, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-08-158Catering services for the 102 participants for the conduct of Bagon: A Cultural, Youth Leadership, and Values Formation Program on September 5, 202225,500.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 30, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-08-157Procurement of Cleaning Supplies and Materials for Division Office37,415.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 23, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-08-156Procurement of ICT Supplies for Division Office13,100.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 22, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-08-155Labor and Materials for the Repair and Rehabilitation of Admin, Records and Cash Section Offices of the Division Office of Bais City200,000.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 22, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-08-154Procurement of Supplies and Materials for Division Office23,022.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 22, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
BCD-2022-098Procurement of TVs, Tablets and Laptops for the provision of Learning Resources for SY 2022-20237,304,000.00Public BIDDINGAugust 22, 2022ITB
RSQ-22-08-151Procurement of Mobile Load Cards for Division Office Personnel for the months of August to December 202267,500.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 16, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-08-150Catering services for the conduct of Bagon: A Cultural, Youth Leadership, and Values Formation Program on August 19, 202236,250.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 15, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-08-149Supplies and Materials for the conduct of Bagon: A Cultural, Youth Leadership, and Values Formation Program on August 19, 202224,400.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 15, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-08-148Catering services for the conduct of Lesson Plan Writeshop Base on MELCs in MAPEH Quarter 1-4 on August 16, 202212,600.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 10, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-145Rental of Sound System for 2 days (August 8 & 10, 2022) for the Division In-service Training on the EPP, TLE and TVL Teachers on August 8-10, 202212,000.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 01, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-144Food and Accommodation for the conduct of Teaching Delivery and Planning of Lessons with the Integration of
the DepEd TV Digital Videos on August 8-10, 2022
474,150.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 01, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-143Catering services for the conduct of BAGONG ORTOGRAPIYANG PAMBANSA on August 8 – 10, 202260,000.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 01, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-142Catering services for the conduct of the 3-day Division In-service Training on the Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP), Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Teachers on August 8-10, 2022159,750.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 01, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-141Food & Accommodation for the conduct of Training of Trainers on Microsoft Reading Assessment & Monitoring on August 4-5, 202268,850.00Small Value ProcurementAugust 01, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-140Labor and Materials for the Rehabilitation of Breastfeeding Room of the Division Office100,000.00Small Value ProcurementJuly 29, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-139Procurement of airconditiioning units with installation for the DCP Insfrastructure Upgrade for Division Office120,000.00Small Value ProcurementJuly 29, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-136Catering services for the conduct of the Project: “MGA LETRA UG ESTORYA”: DEVELOPMENT OF GRADE 1 STORYBOOK on August 2-5, 15-19, 202230,800.00Small Value ProcurementJuly 27, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-134Catering services for Brigada Eskwela and DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2022 titled Omnibus Guidelines on the Operations of PTA’a Updates for School Heads on July 28-29, 202256,700.00Small Value ProcurementJuly 25, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-132Procurement of A3 Inkjet Printer & Document Scanner for Office Use145,000.00ShoppingJuly 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-131Procurement of PVC ID Printer for Division Office120,000.00Small Value ProcurementJuly 19, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-129Food, Board & Lodging & Venue for the conduct of Review on the Status of Implementation of the Commission on Audit Observations and Recommendation and Agency Action Plan Writeshop on July 20-22, 2022126,150.00Small Value ProcurementJuly 18, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-128Procurement of TVL Laboratory Equipments for Schools162,314.00Small Value ProcurementJuly 15, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-07-127Procurement of Science & Math Equipment for Schools389,322.00Small Value ProcurementJuly 15, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-06-125Food & Accommodation for the Participation to Regional Webinar/Workshop n the Preparation of FY 2022 Mid-Year Financial Reports on July 12-14, 202243,500.00Small Value ProcurementJuly 11, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-06-124Catering services for the School Participation to DepEd-Bais Banwag 2021: Acelebration of Success on July 8 2022228,300.00Small Value ProcurementJuly 04, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-06-121LED Wall Projector Rental for Banwag 2021 on July 8, 202215,000.00Small Value ProcurementJuly 01, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-06-120Procurement of Supplies & Materials for Banwag 202144,100.00Small Value ProcurementJune 28, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
BCD-2022-069CY 2022 Repair & Rehabilitation of Various School Building (5CL) with CR2,505,799.85Public BIDDINGJune 27, 2022ITB
RSQ-22-06-115Procurement of Inkjet Printer for ALS SHS teachers22,500.00ShoppingJune 24, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-06-113Procurement of Inkjet Printer & Pigment Ink for office use36,000.00ShoppingJune 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-06-112Procurement of Bond Paper & Parchment Paper for Office Use421,600.00ShoppingJune 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-06-110Procurement of Mobile Load Cards for Teachers who have not received NEAP sim cards248,000.00Small Value ProcurementJune 15, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-06-109Food & venue for the conduct of the UPSKILLING FOR NON-TEACHING PERSONNEL ON EFFECTIVE CLIENT SERVICES & ICT SKILLS on June 22-24, 202251,800.00Small Value ProcurementJune 15, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-06-108Procurement of Book 80 paper for Division Office14,500.00ShoppingJune 15, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-06-104DPDT Safety Switch & Fuse for Division Office10,900.00Small Value ProcurementJune 10, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-102Food and Accommodation for the conduct of Lights, Camera and Lesson! Enhancing TV Based Instruction via Lesson Contextualization and Technology Application (Traning cum Workshop on Contexualized TVL for SDO in Negros Oriental) on June 10-17, 2022800,000.00Small Value ProcurementJune 06, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-101Catering services for the conduct of the Orientation on RA 9184 and Capability Building on Philippine Government Procurement System (PhilGEPS) Phase 1 on June 10, 202213,000.00Small Value ProcurementJune 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-100Catering services for the conduct of the Teach to Read Training on June 10-11, 202267,500.00Small Value ProcurementJune 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-097Procurement of Supplies and Materials for ADM/LR473,682.40Small Value ProcurementJune 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-096Procurement of Q3 and Q4 supplies for the development, production and delivery of SLMs140,576.00Small Value ProcurementJune 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-095Procurement of Common-use Office supplies for Division Office26,901.00ShoppingJune 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-094Procurement of Alcohol Dispenser with Non-Contact Thermal Scanner for Schools107,520.00Small Value ProcurementJune 03, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
BCD-2022-053Health Essentials for All Schools & Division Office in Compliance to Minimum Health Standards1,753,900.00PUBLIC BIDDINGMay 30, 2022ITB
RSQ-22-05-088Catering services for 1 meal and 2 snacks per day for 75 participants of Consultative and Program Implementation Review on School Based Feeding Program and other Health related Programs on SY 2021-2022 on June 3-4, 202252,500.00Small Value ProcurementMay 27, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-084Inkjet Printers for ALS-SHS Teachers19,500.00ShoppingMay 23, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-082Labor and Materials for the Repair of Division Office Building damaged by Typhoon Odette381,387.86Small Value ProcurementMay 23, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-081Labor and Materials for the Repair and Rehabilitation of Various School Building (1CL) in Tacalan Elementary School464,077.03Small Value ProcurementMay 23, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-080Catering services for the conduct of Capability Building of Senior High School Teachers & School Heads on Enhancement Implementation of Senior High School Program on May 20, 202227,900.00Small Value ProcurementMay 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-079Catering services for the conduct of Orientation-Workshop on The 3 Acts of Goodness to School Heads on May 27, 202225,900.00Small Value ProcurementMay 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
BCD-2022-049Inkjet Printers for Schools2,429,850.00Public BIDDINGMay 17, 2022ITB
BCD-2022-046Nutritious Food Products for the School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) 20222,070,708.00Small Value ProcurementMay 10, 2022ITB
RSQ-22-05-076Catering services fort he conduct of the GAD Sensitivity Advocacy through Sports and Wellness on May 12-14, 202260,000.00Small Value ProcurementMay 09, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-075Catering services for the conduct of 2022 Journalists on Training (JOT) on May 12-13, 202254,000.00Small Value ProcurementMay 06, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-05-074Labor & Materials for the Improvement of Division Office Extension Roofing64,866.01Small Value ProcurementMay 06, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
BCD-2022-042Commercial Powdered Milk for the School-Based Feeding Program 20221,219,952.00PUBLIC BIDDINGApril 25, 2022ITB
RSQ-22-04-072Catering services for the conduct of Reorientation on the School Based Management on May 6, 202225,550.00Small Value ProcurementApril 25, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-04-071Gasoline Genset for Division Office26,500.00Small Value ProcurementApril 22, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-04-068Catering services for the conduct of Partnership Collaboration with Private Institutions and Companies on April 26-27, 202217,500.00Small Value ProcurementApril 18, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-04-070Catering services for the conduct of Development and Review of Strategic Intervention Materials in the Design of Science Investigatory Project on April 28-29, 202240,500.00Small Value ProcurementApril 18, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-04-065Catering Services for the 74 participants of Partnership Conference with Parent-Teacher Association Presidents on April 19, 202225,900.00Small Value ProcurementApril 11, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-04-066Procurement of Biometrics for Schools176,000.00Small Value ProcurementApril 08, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-03-060Procurement of electrical supplies & materials for installation of airconditioning units16,504.75Small Value ProcurementApril 01, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-03-059Procurement of 5 airconditioning units for division office70,995.00Small Value ProcurementApril 01, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-03-058Procurement of Communication devices/equipments for YFD Program implementation – Batang Baisanon-Online100,000.00Small Value ProcurementApril 01, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-03-056Catering services (AM snacks, Lunch and PM snacks) for the participants for the conduct of Selection, Recruitment and Placement (SRP) Processes Assessment and Development Planning on March 28-April 1(1st batch) & April 18-22, 2022 (2nd batch)42,000.00Small Value ProcurementMarch 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-03-055Catering Services for snacks of 172 participants for the conduct of Reorientation on Rewards & Recognition Guidelines Based on RM No. 0273, s, 2020 & RM No. 0141, s. 2021 on March 25, 202212,900.00Small Value ProcurementMarch 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-03-054Catering services (including venue) for the conduct of Program Appraisal and Crafting of Intervention Plans with GAD Integrations on March 31, 202215,750.00Small Value ProcurementMarch 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-03-053Procurement of Common-use office supplies for Division Office49,070.45Small Value ProcurementMarch 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-03-052Catering services (including venue) for the 102 participants for the conduct of PMEA and DMEA Conference on March 28, 202245,900.00Small Value ProcurementMarch 18, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-03-050Snacks for Evaluation and Assessment on Brigada Eskwela and Adopt-a-School Program on March 16-17, 202225,950.00Small Value ProcurementMarch 14, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-042Tire-Mud Terrain (size-18″) Tubeless for Strada GLS 2 4D 4WD MT60,000.00Small Value ProcurementMarch 07, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-040Provision of Food and Venue for 2021 Year-end Division Performance Evaluation and 2022 Performance Planning and Commitment on March 1-4, 202262,550.00Small Value ProcurementFebruary 28, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-035Procurement of LED Bulb and Receptacle Socket for Division Office34,000.00Small Value ProcurementFebruary 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-033Food & Accommodation for the Participants of CY 2022 Ranking of Applicants cum Validation of Application Documents on February 22-25, 202255,500.00Small Value ProcurementFebruary 21, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-031Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental92,974.50Small Value ProcurementFebruary 15, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-030Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental107,202.75Small Value ProcurementFebruary 15, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-029Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental107,436.75Small Value ProcurementFebruary 15, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-032Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental109,077.75Small Value ProcurementFebruary 14, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-028Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental86,538.00Small Value ProcurementFebruary 14, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-027Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental128,040.00Small Value ProcurementFebruary 14, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-024Hiring of Two (2) Security Guards for Division Office Security and Safety from January to December 2022240,000.00Small Value ProcurementFebruary 09, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-02-023Drinking Water Supply for the Division Office from January to December 202283,985.00Small Value ProcurementFebruary 09, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-021Procurement of Fuel, Lubricants & Anti Corrosive for Division Office Vehicles by Purchase Order (PO) from January to December 2022239,096.00Small Value ProcurementFebruary 01, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-017Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental118,302.00Small Value ProcurementJanuary 25, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-016Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental116,216.25Small Value ProcurementJanuary 25, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-015Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental137,187.00Small Value ProcurementJanuary 25, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-014Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental180,717.00Small Value ProcurementJanuary 25, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-013Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental96,060.75Small Value ProcurementJanuary 25, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-011Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental130,237.50Small Value ProcurementJanuary 24, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-010Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental155,108.25Small Value ProcurementJanuary 24, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-007Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental135,615.00Small Value ProcurementJanuary 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-006Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental207,700.50Small Value ProcurementJanuary 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-005Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental120,679.50Small Value ProcurementJanuary 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-004Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental103,204.50Small Value ProcurementJanuary 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-003Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental167,512.50Small Value ProcurementJanuary 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-002Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental105,772.50Small Value ProcurementJanuary 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
RSQ-22-01-001Printing & Tacking of Modules including Delivery to Bais City Division Office, Bais City, Negros Oriental125,449.50Small Value ProcurementJanuary 17, 2022REQUEST FOR QUOTATION